YMCA Peace Week 2023 – Peace Medal Nominations Now Open
YMCA Peace Week 2023: November 19-25

“We cannot expect to live in a world of peace if we are unable to live in peace with those close to us – even those who differ from us….”
– YMCA Statement on Peace
YMCA Peace Week calls people to Build Community. Act for Peace. When we act for peace, together we build stronger and healthier communities.
YMCA Peace Week is a time when we celebrate the presence of peace in our communities, and reflect on the peace-building work that happens all year both inside and outside the YMCA.
YMCA Peace Week illuminates how the work of building peace needs to continue now more than ever. COVID-19 and the urgent calls for action for diversity, equity, and inclusion are challenging us, as individuals, as communities, and as a country, to reconsider where we’ve been and where we want to go.
Act for Peace
Peace is an active state of being, not a passive one.
Acts for peace can be big or small. Either way, they tend to grow outward, creating ripples through the whole community.
An act for peace may affect only one person directly—but it may show many more people what’s possible.
Peacemakers challenge and inspire others to pursue acts for peace.
Anyone and everyone can be a peacemaker.
Join the movement and #actforpeace.

YMCA Peace Medal
As part of YMCA Peace Week, YMCAs across Canada present the YMCA Peace Medal to individuals or groups who, without any special resources, status, wealth or position, demonstrate a commitment to the values of P-E-A-C-E through contributions made within their local, national, or global community.
PEACE it Forward
If you’ve received the coin pictured here, you’re now a part of the PEACE it Forward challenge! You have 24 hours to carry out a peaceful act (for a person, group, or cause). Once you complete the challenge, give your coin to the person you acted for or pass it along to anyone you’d like.

Don’t forget to share your #actforpeace or someone else’s on Twitter during #ymcapeaceweek and beyond. Let’s see how far the coins and PEACE spreads!
Need some ideas on how to act for peace? Consider these:
- Have a passion, talent, or skill? Donate it to a person, organization, or cause. Get involved!
- Offer help to someone who needs assistance.
- Get to know your neighbours and fellow community members.
- Learn something new by researching the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.
- Stop when you see a demonstration, rally, or walk. Ask a participant about the cause.
- Find out when your municipality is holding community meetings and consultations. Participate.
Keep the list growing. Join the #ymcapeaceweek social media discussion and add your own #actforpeace ideas.