Wellness Centre
Our YMCA Wellness Centres offer you and your community many resources and supports you can use to improve your overall health and fitness.

The Wellness Centre Downtown and in Membertou both offer state-of-the-art cardio equipment, including (but not limited to) treadmills, recumbent bikes, upright bikes, rowing machines, ellipticals, arc trainers, steppers and more!
We have everything you could need for an amazing full-body workout from dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, selectorized equipment, plate-loaded equipment, and functional movement equipment. We have three squat racks, multiple benches (incline, decline and flat), boxes and platforms for box jumps, battle ropes, TRX, and much much more! If there is something specific you’re looking for, just ask! We likely have it or can suggest an alternative.

Wellness Centre Information
- A complimentary Wellness Orientation is available to members by appointment. Appointments can be made at the Membership Services desk, Frank Rudderham YMCA (902) 562-9622, Membertou YMCA (902) 270-9622
- Wellness Coaches are available on the floor to assist you with your questions and support you with your program needs.
- To use the Wellness Centre, you must be 15 years of age or older
- Successful completion of the YThrive Grow program permits 12 to 14 year olds access to the Wellness Center. Our coaches provide an introduction to proper etiquette, fitness training principles and basic anatomy and physiology. Call the Membership Services desk for more info, Frank Rudderham YMCA (902) 562-9622, Membertou YMCA (902) 270-9622
- Youth aged 10 and 11 are only permitted to use the Wellness Center when participating in YThrive Grow appointments with a coach. Even regular attendants of Grow will not be permitted to “graduate” to their own programming until they are 12.
- Anyone 10 years of age and younger is not permitted in the Wellness Center.
- Collars must be used to secure weight plates on all barbells. Avoid loud noises, profane language and staring at others. Avoid dropping or slamming the weights on the floor. When not in use, all free weights must be returned to their proper location.
- To use the cardio equipment, place your name on the white sign-up board. Time limit is 30 minutes for each machine.
- When using the track, keep to your right hand side so that faster moving users can pass on the left hand side.
- For the comfort of participants using the gymnasium, do not stop and view over the glass rail while programs are in progress.
- When using a weight machine, step away from the exercise machine between sets so that others can have a turn. Do not linger on the weight machines and do not use cell phones while occupying a weight machine.
- Spray bottles and paper towel are located throughout the Wellness Center for users to clean the equipment before and after use. Please ensure the paper towels go in the garbage cans after using.
- Repeat failure to follow these instructions may lead to suspension of privileges.
- Clothing should serve as a barrier between skin and equipment as much as possible.
- A full length t-shirt or tank top must cover the chest and midriff.
- Gluteal folds should not be visible.
- No jeans or clothing with detail or material that could damage equipment.
- No open toe shoes, boots, sandals or dress shoes or cleats of any type.
- All clothing must be free of profanity, offensive language and offensive graphics.
- For your safety and the safety of others, proper attire must be worn while in program areas at all times. Only clean, dry, non-marking, indoor footwear is permitted. Gym attire must be worn in exercise spaces and swimwear must be worn in aquatic spaces. Examples of acceptable gym attire include shirts, tank tops, sports bras, shorts, leggings, and, for aquatic spaces, one- or two-piece bathing suits. All clothing and personal items must refrain from discriminating or profane messages.
- Gym bags, coats, extra footwear, etc. are not permitted to be stored in the Wellness Centre.
- Use the locker rooms to store your belongings. Small lockers in the main foyer at the Frank Rudderham location are available for day use for smaller items. Ask our Membership Services staff for more information, Frank Rudderham YMCA (902) 562-9622, Membertou YMCA (902) 270-9622